Geothermal Project in Galanta

Heating loop 90/70°C - Radiator heating system in the hospital
• Heating loop 77/52°C - Radiator heating in apartment houses
• Heating loop 52/42°C - Radiation ceiling heating in the hospital
• Loop for hot tap water preparation 55°C - combined system for apartment houses
The geothermal system uses cascade connection of the heat exchangers and geothermal water delivers heat step by step into the heating loops with different temperature gradients. Therefore geothermal water leaves the system cooled down to low temperatures.

Such connection ensures high rate of geothermal energy utilization and efficient operation of geothermal reservoir and its long lifespan. Used geothermal water is discharged into Vah river.
Geothermal project in Galanta constitutes very important realization in
the field of renewable energy utilization in the conditions of Slovakia.
The main goals are highly ecological production of heat and very
advantageous price of heat. No significant complications and problems
were encountered during the ten-year operation period and the geothermal
station supplies heat to all customers very reliably.
Thermal spa was built and commissioned in 2007 in Galanta. The main heat
source of the spa is the used geothermal water drained out from the
station. Heat pumps are installed to ensure utilization of low
temperature water. Thermal spa leads to increased rate of geothermal
energy utilization in the town and to substantial development of travel
activities in the region.